Thursday 8 September 2011

Goodbye Sci-Bono

(something that touched my heart)
Friday, August 5th was my last day working at the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre. Although I wear make up on a regular basis, I knew it would be a waste to put any on that day because I was certain the tears would only smear and smudge it. Having worked there for 3 months allowed me to meet some really incredible people who were not only co-workers but became real friends who I still keep in touch with even today, and hope to maintain contact with for years to come.

I knew saying goodbye would be difficult but the effort and thought my co-workers and friends put into organizing a farewell for Daniel and I really made it even worse. The morning began in the outreach office where the teachers had signed cards and purchased going away gifts for both of us. We were completely shocked and flattered by the thought and care they had put into selecting items for each of us which they thought we would like. We took some photos and headed off to lunch and to walk around the streets of Johannesburg one final time.

After lunch all of the centre’s employees were invited to gather in the main auditorium where the COO said a few kind words about us and our work at Sci-Bono. Following this my manager from the Exhibit Department stepped up to the microphone and said he and the guys from the workshop had organized a small game for me called ‘The Money or the Safe’. One by one, the guys stepped up and offered me money in exchange for the unknown contents of the safe. Once each of them had reached his maximum offer he said a few words about his experience with me in the workshop and gave the stage to the following person. I knew no amount of money would convince me to give up whatever was in that safe (which could have been nothing!) so I declined all the offers and accepted my ‘prize’. It was a leather pouch full of small things from around the workshop that were directly related to my work there – a piece of carpet, a part of a walking stick for the blind, some piece of wood, and so on. Although to the other people who were watching these items seemed random and strange, taking them out of the pouch brought tears to my eyes because I felt like I was reliving the last months I had spent in the workshop.

After the gathering in the auditorium we all stepped outside for snacks and refreshments. This was another good opportunity to take photos with co-workers and exchange final words. This time was particularly hard for me because seeing some of my friends getting emotional with tears in their eyes only made me cry more. I was extremely touched by how much everyone had gone out of their way to organize this gathering. 

Daniel and I with most of the outreach team

 Winnie (right) and Mbali (left)

Dorothy and I 

Me with some of the beautiful ladies working at Sci-Bono

In the auditorium

Naniki (left), me (middle, left), Felix (middle, right) and Daniel (right)

Johannes working hard on a Friday

In the workshop - Johannes (left), Trevor (middle, left), me (middle, right), and Solly (right)

Fidel and I

Joe and I

tears goodbye

Me (right), Brian (middle, left), George (middle, right), and Daniel

Myself (left), me (middle), and Me (right)

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